At least 3 RENATE members, Maria Franciscas Sanchez, Ma.Pilar Caño González and Begoña Iñarra helped prepare the exhibition, which is the responsibility of the anti-trafficking department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. The exhibition will be hosted throughout Spain over the coming months.
From the 1st to 15th February the exhibition took place at St. Jeronimo’s Church which is located directly behind the Prado Museum, thus, many tourists saw it and it is all the more accessible since the titles were translated in English.
St. Jeronimo’s Church was also the location for the beautiful vigil for the feast of St. Bakhita.
At the opening ceremony, Marifran Sanchez presented the exhibition and Begona Inarra presented on the question ’What is Human Trafficking?’
From the 16th to the 28th February the exhibition will be held at the Dominican Centre in Madrid.
You can view the exhibition here
Additionally, below is an article of Ana Almaza (Adorers sisters) member of the Madrid Church Anti-trafficking here
About the last exhibition at St. Jeronimo’s Church please read more here