2022 Assembly


Address by RENATE President, Imelda Poole, IBVM, at the reception at the UK Parliament on the occasion of the launch of the RENATE Child Mapping Exercise.


RENATE was launched in 2009 by a small group of Religious from across Europe, who fulfilled the task to constitute the Foundation in The Netherlands as a non-profit NGO, under the Umbrella of the International Organisation, Talitha Kum, a network of networks across the world of Religious and co-workers founded in Rome by the major Religious Superiors conference. As with all these other continental networks, RENATE constitutes a network of religious and co-workers from 31 European countries who all have the common mission of working against Human Trafficking.  It is a most extraordinary and huge body of women and men who have the enormous capacity to act fast and with compassion and loving care across borders, right across the world:

Working tirelessly to rehabilitate victims, free the world of labour exploitation, slavery and forced organ harvesting.

  • Addressing the root causes of systemic injustice that creates and sustains this vile trade in human lives.
  • Using its network to strengthen communication and co-operation between countries of origin, transit and destination.
  • Providing opportunities for the full reintegration of victims which can include protection in a safe home, acquisition of proper documents and training for meaningful work so that victims can regain and be enabled to live life to the full.
  • Educating society, particularly youth, to view all forms of human trafficking and exploitation as totally unacceptable.
  • Challenging judicial and civil authorities to adopt and enforce legislation that protects victims, provides them with adequate compensation, punishes clients and buyers and seizes the assets of perpetrators. Member of the European Parliament:
  • Collaborating with the media in efforts to bring a strong voice to the attention of the world denouncing all aspects of human trafficking and exploitation.

Every member is connected at grass roots with many other networks and partners which involve  local National Referral Mechanisms, governments, police, many other statutory and non- statutory services.

Story: a. Greece and rescue cross border from back of website via Italy, b. illegal agencies/passport/police company and labour trafficking of young Philipino in Albania,  c. Cardiff and 4 Albanian girls – linking with welsh anti trafficking groups, Kevin Hyland for advise all forming new partnerships and extending the networks from the North to the south of this country within one weekend, last weekend.

Communication is at the heart of the work but communication is only effective when the communication comes from a heart filled with compassion and love.  Listening with this understanding is a response in love. This leads to generative listening when we are listening with the desire to understand with such compassion that we can hear the story, the new insights being born.  This will lead to change of law, change of attitude to the crime and the victim. It will be based on a deeper commitment to justice leading to just action for the protection of the victim and just action dealt out to the perpetrators. We cannot deny the truth when we really hear it so it hurts.

Invite all Parliamentarians to stand, then all RENATE members to stand.  Invite them to listen to one another, invite the parliamentarians to listen to those working at the grass roots.

Imelda Poole, IBVM,  President RENATE Europe.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons