2022 Assembly




“Youth delegate for a year.”

Participation of Youth Delegates at the April and October 2020 sessions of the Conference of INGOs.

Building upon the successful experiences in 2019, the Conference of INGO’s at the Council of Europe hopes to continue investing in youth within our organizations and invites applications from young people within our organisations, to be a youth delegate with the Conference of INGOs.

In April 2018, the INGO Conference adopted a new Roadmap for youth participation. Following its youth Strategy, it is now inviting 2 youth delegates representing member organizations to take part in its two 2020 sessions:

  • to have their say in the debates
  • to exchange with Conference of INGOs members on the issues on the agenda.

To learn more about the “Roadmap for youth participation” of the Conference of INGOs please follow this link

By inviting a number of young people to take an active part in its 2020 sessions the Conference of INGOs aims to give young people an opportunity to be an active and direct contributor to issues being discussed during these sessions.


This year again, in line with its “Roadmap for youth participation”, the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe will invite 2 young persons (between 18 and 30 years old) from an INGO member of the Conference to take an active part, as a youth delegate, in its April and October 2020 sessions.

Being a youth delegate for a year is a unique opportunity to gain international experience, become a part of a diverse group of young activists, network and make an impact by stimulating the debates from a youth perspective within the Conference of INGOs.


The profile of the candidates, the commitments and working process are detailed in the attached document (English only)


The deadline for submitting completed applications is 15 February 2020.


For more information please contact:

Rareş Augustin CRĂIUŢ, Board member of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe

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