Whilst there for a reconnoitre visit, to our amazement, doors were open to us every where, in particular in Fátima, through the offer of accommodation and excellent Conference facilities.
Preparations are now well under way as members of the RENATE Assembly working group met in Portugal to explore possibilities.
Our short visit to Fatima went beyond our expectations. We were able to complete the next stage of the planning and have secured the Santuário de Fátima for both the accommodation & conference facilities which will be specifically allocated to the 120 RENATE delegates coming from across Europe for the week.
We are very grateful to Mr. Claudio Clómónte for his tour of the facilities and he will continue to liaise with us as we finalise preparations.
Our afternoon visit to the city of Lisbon went very well and we will rely on the guidance and experience of our seven Portuguese RENATE members as we continue to prepare for a fruitful and very special Assembly in Fátima.