RENATE colleagues at Caritas Slovakia share news about the launch of an online, nationwide preventive campaign to combat trafficking in human beings. The format is by means of a video clip, Don’t get Enslaved.
Caritas wants to talk more about the real pitfalls of modern slavery, which often affects marginalized groups in the poorest regions of Slovakia.
The UK remains the top destination country of Slovak victims of trafficking. This fact is confirmed not only by the Ministry of the Interior, the United Kingdom Embassy, but also the statistics and the 10-year experience of the STOP Trafficking Project. “Over the past year or two there are mostly trafficked Roma people who travel to work in England. Therefore, in our latest campaign, we’ve focused on them. Since we did not want to launch a campaign without knowing the specific situation in the field, we conducted a survey which preceded the activities. We summoned recommendations from experts and field workers and concluded that such a campaign was needed and preventive activities were initiated.” explains project manager Jana Verdura
The campaign comprises two parts. The first is offline education – 12 prevention workshops across Slovakia, especially in areas where education is most needed i.e. eastern and southern regions of Slovakia.
“We have contacted field workers who work with Roma people – potential victims-, so that they can recognize the risks, whether there are traffickers in the community or whether someone has been abused, ”says Sr. Bohumila, who is part of the STOP Human Trafficking team and also a member of RENATE.
So far about 350 people have participated through education. “We had very positive feedback and see that education is needed, local social workers are interested in our preventive activities. We were told not once that they figured out cases of human trafficking in the past. Working with the target group they didn’t have the necessary information to identify them as victims of human trafficking, ”Verdura adds.
In May, the 2nd part of the campaign – online- commenced. As young Roma are very active on social networks, the STOP Human Trafficking project put on a series of videos and a song from the Gipsy Chave band entitled “Watch out bro!” to help inform young people that modern slavery is real, it can affect them and caution is needed.
The face of the online campaign is a well-known rapper Ego, who willingly cooperated with us.
The campaign originated with the financial support of the Embassy of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Link to Slovak article:
4 Attachments
Preview YouTube video Gipsy Čáve – Dávaj si pozor bráško !
Gipsy Čáve – Dávaj si pozor bráško !
Preview YouTube video Ego – Nenechaj sa zotročiť
Ego – Nenechaj sa zotročiť