Ending Trafficking Begins with us. Das Ende des Menschenhandels beginnt mit uns. Terminarea traficului incepe cu noi.Dhënia fund e Trafikimit Fillon me NE. Az emberkereskedelem vége velünk kezdődik! It-tmiem tat-traffikar uman jibda minna stess. Ukončenie obchodovania začína od nás. Крајот на Трговијата започнува со нас. Terminar com o tráfico começa por nós. Fine tratta comincia da Noi. Oprirea traficului de persoane începe cu noi. Położenie kresu handlowi ludźmi zaczyna się od nas. Het einde van mensenhandel begint bij ons. Mettre fin à la Traite : à nous d’abord de nous y mettre. Konec trgovanja z nami. Припинення торгівлі людьми починається з нас. Kova prieš prekybą žmonėmis prasideda nuo mūsų. Acabar con el tráfico humano empieza con NOSOTROS. At gøre ende på menneskehandel begynder hos os. Cilēku tirdzniecības beigas sākas ar mums. KONEC OBCHODOVÁNÍ S LIDMI ZAČÍNÁ NÁMI! KRAJ TRGOVANJA POČINJE S NAMA! PRESTANAK TRGOVANJA LJUDIMA ZAPOČINJE S NAMA! Краят на трафика на хора, започва с нас
On Wednesday, the 25th May 2016 in Leipzig, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) inaugurated the 100th Katholikentag or Catholic Day. This popular festival brought together Catholics, as well as people of other religious traditions, in dialogue with political, cultural and business leaders. More than 1000 exhibitions, performances and talks took place and more than 40.000 people participated, over the five days of the festival. RENATE was present with an information stand and organized a public discussion, with a view to sharing information about the work of RENATE and awareness raising about human trafficking. A comprehensive report from this event is available here: RENATE at Katholikentag in Leipzig_report by Sr. Andrea Tillmanns RGS Please see also an interview with Sr. Andrea Tillmanns by Tobias Böcher, Journalist with Steyler Missionare.
Jana Urbanová, a member of RENATE, working for the STOP Human Trafficking project at Caritas Slovakia attended the above workshop which took place in London, from the 20th to 21st of April, 2016. The workshop was part of a project being run by the following NGOs: FLEX – Focus on Labour Exploitation from Great Britain, FairWork from the Netherlands, ADPARE from Romania. The aim of the joint project is to develop a common strategic plan in relation to victims, trafficked for forced labour, through proactive identification and support. It is intended that the plan would be applicable throughout all the member states of the European Union. The research commenced in 2014, having identified gaps in the existing processes of identification. With the help of many countries participating in the first European workshop and based on the research results, strategies were developed which would help improve the process of identification and support people who are trafficked for labour exploitation. The pilot strategies for identification have been tested in the three partner countries (Great Britain, the Netherlands and Romania), over a period of six months, which lead to this second joint workshop in London, in April 2016. Representatives from Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom attended, representing non-profit organisations, trade unions, lawyers and social workers. It is intended that the outcome of this initiative and the application of strategies will be presented in September 2016. More about the project: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/eu-projects-and-funding/proactive-identification-and-support-victims-trafficking-labour-exploitation_en
18th October 2015, European Anti-Human Trafficking Day On the occasion of the European Anti-Human Trafficking Day, our informal Anti-Human Trafficking Network, established during the implementation of the project “Raising Awareness of Religious Communities in Croatia of the Issue of Human Trafficking (especially Women)”, participated in a one-day conference in Slovenia. In addition to the one-day Conference, Prayer initiatives and activities were organised in Zagreb. Figure 1. Sr. Ljubica, Sr. Stanka, Anita and Ana in Slovenia Four women members of the Network participated in the second day of a Conference focused on the issues of modern slavery and law enforcement, organised by the Medaille Trust, a UK Charity, from the 12th to the 16th of October, 2015. At the Conference, opportunities to hear about the difficulties faced by institutions and organisations involved in this issue were heard, as well as efforts and successes achieved. Sr. Stanka had the opportunity to speak about the situation in Croatia and to present her Project and Network. She reports “My colleagues and I were surprised and inspired by the positive atmosphere at the Conference, in spite of it being a difficult topic and subject matter.” Figure 2. Ana, Sr. Stanka, Jitka and Young People from Croatian Red Cross at the Flower Square in Zagreb “On Saturday 17th October 2015, at the Flower Square in the Centre of Zagreb, Ms. Ana Sekelj and I from the Network, together with representatives from the Office for Human Rights and National Minorities of the Croatian Government, the Ministry of the Interior, a network of non-governmental organizations PETRA, Croatian Red Cross and the City Red Cross Society, presented our work, commitment, initiatives, brochures and symbolic items. Through this joint display, we informed the citizens of Zagreb on the issue of human trafficking. You can see and hear all about it by logging on to the National Croatian Radio and Television.” http://www.hrt.hr/enz/dnevnik/303627/ [34:00 – 36:15] Figure 3. St. Blaise Parish in Zagreb Sr. Stanka says “On Sunday 18th October 2015, in the convent of my Congregation, the Sisters of Notre Dame, we had a Prayer Service at noon for all the victims of modern slavery. In the evening, in the Parish of St. Blaise, from 19:30-22:00, together with the pro-life prayer movement “Consolers of Merciful Jesus”, we organized a prayer vigil and adoration for all victims of modern slavery, for the unborn children and for every human life. The text of the prayer vigil will be broadcasted on radio station Radio Maria, at 20:00 on the first Friday in the November (6th November), so believers throughout Croatia can join in this prayer initiative. We believe that prayer-support is the strongest and most powerful mean of combating trafficking in human beings. We also believe that God is the only one who first hears the cry of all the victims and who helps all institutions and individuals who are committed to heal the deepest wounds in humanity.” Sr. Stanka Oršolić Article edited by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person
The Holy Father’s Universal Prayer Intention for October is “that Human Trafficking, the modern form of slavery, may be eradicated”. With Pope Francis’ intention to guide us, the RENATE campaign of activities and events to mark the 18th of October, is presented in the following overview: 18th October 2015_stories and actions from RENATE Network You will see from the wide variety of activities throughout the RENATE Network that there are actions to suit every capacity. Join us in our endeavours to stop Human Trafficking. Each and every effort, will make a big difference to those in need.
Raising awareness about HT at the POHODA Music Festival From July 8 to 12 we participated at the 19th edition of the most famous multi-genre festival in Slovakia called POHODA. It took place at the airport of the city of Trenčín and we came to present our project “STOP Human Trafficking” with our campaign GIFT Box Slovakia – people are not for sale (more about the campaign on http://www.obchodsludmi.sk/giftbox/index.php). Except of this the festival visitors were given information about the global extent of human trafficking and how does the modern slavery affect us all in everyday life. GIFT Box at the POHODA Music Festival in Slovakia In addition, more than two hundred people joined us in our new campaign by getting picture taken with a message STOP Human Trafficking. Soon there will be a mosaic composed out of these pictures, which will be accessible on our website www.obchodsludmi.sk, Facebook and also on the cover of our magazine. This way we´d like to express our common statement against global enslavement and our commitment to fight TOGETHER against it. At the festival we also offered colourful handbags ideal for summer time that were made in one of our shelters for victims of human trafficking. STOP Human Trafficking
Information shared by the Team of STOP Human Trafficking Project at Caritas Slovakia, members of RENATE. STOP Human Trafficking Project Team at POHODA Festival
Conference in Slovakia helps in Raising Awareness to Prevent Human Trafficking On 23 April 2015, “Stop Human Trafficking” in Caritas Slovakia and local RENATE members actively contributed to the first interdisciplinary conference on socio-pathological concerns amongst children, youth and adults. The conference entitled “Social Pathology Amongst Youth” / SPAY 2015 / organized by the College of Health and Social Work Vol. Elizabeth and Pan European University with the participation of representatives from the academic and scientific institutions from Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The Conference programme explored seven specialized sections. Specific emphasis was given to the most problematic socio-pathological phenomena in our society among children and young people. The following aspects were considered:
Bullying and cyberbullying
Harassment and abuse of refugees and migrants
Prostitution and human trafficking
Children’s problem behaviours such as truancy, delinquency, crime, violence and aggression
Sr. Bohdana Bezáková, CJ – member of RENATE – presented a workshop on the project entitled “Prevention of trafficking in Slovakia.” The film Two little girls was presented as part of the workshop to conference delegates. The presentation was followed by questions and discussions Jana Urbanová and Miroslava Víglašská, Caritas Slovakia staff and members of RENATE, presented information materials at the Conference and also presented the film Two little girls with subtitles for those who were unable to attend the workshop.
The Slovak Catholic Charity Caritas, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, have commissioned a series of short films, to highlight various forms of Human Trafficking, ranging from the sex trade to labour trafficking. The Film Festival officially launches at the Cinema Lumiere, Bratislava, at 17:30 on 17th October next, on the eve of the European Day Against Human Trafficking. RENATE congratulates Mgr. Anna Bartosova, the Stop Human Trafficking Project Co-ordinator with the Caritas Slovakia and wish all concerned with the production, continued success. [nggallery id=1] Click below for more information in Slovak: SK_Pozvanka_17.10._Lumiere_Film.Festival_OsL SK_Plagat_17.10._Lumiere_Film.Festival_OsL
On Wednesday, 4th June 2014 two workers of Caritas Slovakia who are also members of RENATE Network, gave a comprehensive interview about human trafficking on LUX Television, Slovak Catholic TV Channel. Anna Bartošová and Sr. Bohdana Bezáková CJ explained potential risks connected with very attractive job offers from abroad and informed what precautions to take to avoid the danger of human trafficking. Click here to watch this interview in Slovak: Obete obchodovania s l’ud’mi