2022 Assembly


Identification & Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation


Jana Urbanová, a member of RENATE, working for the STOP Human Trafficking project at Caritas Slovakia attended the above workshop which took place in London, from the 20th to 21st of April, 2016. The workshop was part of a project being run by the following NGOs:
FLEX – Focus on Labour Exploitation from Great Britain,
FairWork from the Netherlands,
ADPARE from Romania.
The aim of the joint project is to develop a common strategic plan in relation to victims, trafficked for forced labour, through proactive identification and support. It is intended that the plan would be applicable throughout all the member states of the European Union.
The research commenced in 2014, having identified gaps in the existing processes of identification. With the help of many countries participating in the first European workshop and based on the research results, strategies were developed which would help improve the process of identification and support people who are trafficked for labour exploitation.
The pilot strategies for identification have been tested in the three partner countries (Great Britain, the Netherlands and Romania), over a period of six months, which lead to this second joint workshop in London, in April 2016.  Representatives from Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom attended, representing non-profit organisations, trade unions, lawyers and social workers. It is intended that the outcome of this initiative and the application of strategies will be presented in September 2016.
More about the project:
Mgr. Jana Urbanová, Prevention Campaigns Coordinator at Caritas Slovakia
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons