2022 Assembly


Identification & Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation


Jana Urbanová, a member of RENATE, working for the STOP Human Trafficking project at Caritas Slovakia attended the above workshop which took place in London, from the 20th to 21st of April, 2016. The workshop was part of a project being run by the following NGOs:
FLEX – Focus on Labour Exploitation from Great Britain,
FairWork from the Netherlands,
ADPARE from Romania.
The aim of the joint project is to develop a common strategic plan in relation to victims, trafficked for forced labour, through proactive identification and support. It is intended that the plan would be applicable throughout all the member states of the European Union.
The research commenced in 2014, having identified gaps in the existing processes of identification. With the help of many countries participating in the first European workshop and based on the research results, strategies were developed which would help improve the process of identification and support people who are trafficked for labour exploitation.
The pilot strategies for identification have been tested in the three partner countries (Great Britain, the Netherlands and Romania), over a period of six months, which lead to this second joint workshop in London, in April 2016.  Representatives from Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom attended, representing non-profit organisations, trade unions, lawyers and social workers. It is intended that the outcome of this initiative and the application of strategies will be presented in September 2016.
More about the project:
Mgr. Jana Urbanová, Prevention Campaigns Coordinator at Caritas Slovakia
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Anti-Trafficking Campaign at the POHODA Music Festival in Slovakia


Raising awareness about HT at the POHODA Music Festival
Raising awareness about HT at the POHODA Music Festival

From July 8 to 12 we participated at the 19th edition of the most famous multi-genre festival in Slovakia called POHODA. It took place at the airport of the city of Trenčín and we came to present our project “STOP Human Trafficking” with our campaign GIFT Box Slovakia – people are not for sale (more about the campaign on Except of this the festival visitors were given information about the global extent of human trafficking and how does the modern slavery affect us all in everyday life.
GIFT Box at the POHODA Music Festival in Slovakia
GIFT Box at the POHODA Music Festival in Slovakia

In addition, more than two hundred people joined us in our new campaign by getting picture taken with a message STOP Human Trafficking. Soon there will be a mosaic composed out of these pictures, which will be accessible on our website, Facebook and also on the cover of our magazine. This way we´d like to express our common statement against global enslavement and our commitment to fight TOGETHER against it. At the festival we also offered colourful handbags ideal for summer time that were made in one of our shelters for victims of human trafficking.
STOP Human Trafficking
STOP Human Trafficking

Information shared by the Team of STOP Human Trafficking Project at Caritas Slovakia, members of RENATE.
STOP Human Trafficking Project Team at the POHODA Music Festival
STOP Human Trafficking Project Team at POHODA Festival

Gift Box Awareness Campaign Exhibits at JobExpo 2015 in Slovakia


JobExpo 2015 Nitra in Slovakia_1The fifth annual Slovakian JobExpo took place on the 29th & 30th of April 2015, at the Agrokomplex in Nitra. Around 140 exhibitors presented at the jobs fair and offered work to visitors.
This is the second year that the Slovak Catholic Charity participated and used the Expo as an awareness-raising opportunity using its Gift Box Campaign – People are not for sale.
Since exploitation and forced labour are some of the aspects of human trafficking, the job fair is a good opportunity to draw the attention of visitors to this dangerous phenomenon, in the belief that awareness raising is critically important as a preventative measure.JobExpo 2015 Nitra in Slovakia
The Fair was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Interior, who provide lectures for the general public, on the issue of trafficking as well as informative lectures for high school students.

Social Pathology Amongst Youth, Interdisciplinary Conference in Slovakia


Conference in Slovakia helps in Raising Awareness to Prevent Human Trafficking
On 23 April 2015, “Stop Human Trafficking” in Caritas Slovakia and local RENATE members actively contributed to the first interdisciplinary conference on socio-pathological concerns amongst children, youth and adults.
The conference entitled “Social Pathology Amongst Youth” / SPAY 2015 / organized by the College of Health and Social Work Vol. Elizabeth and Pan European University with the participation of representatives from the academic and scientific institutions from Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
The Conference programme explored seven specialized sections. Specific emphasis was given to the most problematic socio-pathological phenomena in our society among children and young people. The following aspects were considered:

  • Addiction
  • Bullying and cyberbullying
  • Harassment and abuse of refugees and migrants
  • Prostitution and human trafficking
  • Children’s problem behaviours such as truancy, delinquency, crime, violence and aggression

Sr. Bohdana Bezáková, CJ – member of RENATE – presented a workshop on the project entitled “Prevention of trafficking in Slovakia.” The film Two little girls was presented as part of the workshop to conference delegates. The presentation was followed by questions and discussions
Jana Urbanová and Miroslava Víglašská, Caritas Slovakia staff and members of RENATE, presented information materials at the Conference and also presented the film Two little girls with subtitles for those who were unable to attend the workshop.

BBC Journalist Michael Buchanan Reports on Human Trafficking in Slovakia


A report from the Centre for Social Justice in the UK, has called on the government to increase cross-border police operations in order to address the problem of increased human trafficking.
BBC Journalist Michael Buchanan meets with staff at the SKCH officesThe European Union’s open borders policy has provided increased opportunities for trafficking of people, which has become a very profitable business.
Michael Buchanan’s report gives an insight into the situation in eastern Slovakia, when he recently visited and met with the staff who work at Caritas Slovakia. This report is available at

Two Little Girls Campaign at the Nano Nagle Centre in Slovakia


Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_1
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_1

Second week of March, the Team of Caritas Slovakia travelled with the Two Little Girls Campaign to the east of Slovakia, the region with the highest occurrence of human trafficking cases. They held a workshop in Spišské Podhradie in the Nano Nagle Centre, a place for Romani women, children and youth from families of difficult situations. The centre is run by the Presentation Sisters. Two short films were screened to introduce the topic of modern slavery. The films were followed by questions to make sure children had understood the main idea. They also asked a lot of questions that leaded to mutual discussion. Caritas Team brought them the most important information about risks and dangers of trafficking in an accessible way. Then the children were divided into two groups and asked to list the right and wrong signs of a relationship between boy and girl. After that two of the children were encouraged to perform a role play where one of them tried to lure the other one into a dream job abroad. At the end of the workshop they took a photo together to show their commitment to fighting human trafficking.
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_2
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_2

Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_3
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_3

Two Little Girls Campaign to be launched in Slovakia


The campaign TWO LITTLE GIRLS is named according to a short animated film that follows stories of two young women, Maria and Jana. They were cruelly deceived by people they trusted and were trafficked against their will into prostitution. The aim of the campaign is to warn young people and specifically young women about the dangers of traveling abroad under false promises of employment.
Two Little Girls will be used as a central point for discussion in workshops with young people in schools and social institutions. For this purpose member of RENATE and workers of Caritas Slovakia Anna Bartošová and Jana Urbanová have developed education TOOLKIT that will be distributed together with the DVD among teachers, Romani mediators, social workers and youth workers. They will be educated in a training on how to use the film and materials in their work. The accompanying materials – booklets, posters and fliers describe what people can do to protect themselves and how they can get help.
A special WEBSITE has been created where the film, toolkit and other promotion materials are available as well as suggestions on how they can be used.
The campaign is going to be launched on 20th of November in the British Embassy in Bratislava. The film will be screened on TVs in buses across Slovakia over one month. Counting with the number of passengers using bus as a most frequent public transport, the estimated number of viewers is 700 000 in the course of 30 days. The film will also be broadcasted in Slovak and Romani languages in national and local TVs.

Unique Film Festival for the European Day Against Human Trafficking


The Slovak Catholic Charity Caritas, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, have commissioned a series of short films, to highlight various forms of Human Trafficking, ranging from the sex trade to labour trafficking.
The Film Festival officially launches at the Cinema Lumiere, Bratislava, at 17:30 on 17th October next, on the eve of the European Day Against Human Trafficking.
RENATE congratulates Mgr. Anna Bartosova, the Stop Human Trafficking Project Co-ordinator with the Caritas Slovakia and wish all concerned with the production, continued success.
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Click below for more information in Slovak:


Stop Human Trafficking Project on LUX Television in Slovakia


On Wednesday, 4th June 2014 two workers of Caritas Slovakia who are also members of RENATE Network, gave a comprehensive interview about human trafficking on LUX Television, Slovak Catholic TV Channel. Anna Bartošová and Sr. Bohdana Bezáková CJ explained potential risks connected with very attractive job offers from abroad and informed what precautions to take to avoid the danger of human trafficking.
Click here to watch this interview in Slovak: Obete obchodovania s l’ud’mi



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons