Together against human trafficking. “No to the commodification of the person”- Justa del Sol Hernando.
On 11 February, the Spanish newspaper, El ADELANTADO, published an article on Human Trafficking, composed by RENATE member, Justa del sol Hernando, to mark the International Day of Prayer and Reflection on Human Trafficking (8 February). We are delighted to share the feature below.
The declaration of Human Rights in 1948, in article 4, states that: “No one may be subject to slavery or servitude; slavery and trade for slavery are prohibited in any form. ”
More than 70 years have passed since this Universal Declaration, however, slavery has not disappeared, it is invisible. There are many and very different forms of slavery in our 21st century society: labor exploitation, child slavery, forced begging, children for war, forced marriages, sale of children, organ trafficking and marketing, prostitution and sexual exploitation, merchants international …