2022 Assembly


Upholding Rights! Early Legal Intervention for Victims of Human Trafficking


Details of an Early Legal Intervention Project (ELI) informed a Conference entitled “Upholding Rights! Early Legal Intervention for Victims of Human Trafficking”, held in Dublin, Ireland on the 14th of January last. Numerous European Directives and international human rights instruments have sought to hold member states accountable for the introduction of national legislative and policy frameworks.
The concept of ELI incorporates the provision of confidential legal counsel and advocacy at first encounter between victims and authorities to ensure immediate protection and legal representation with a view to achieving the best outcome for the victims of trafficking.
For more, please see: Report on attendance at ICI Conference_Upholding Rights_14.01.2016
Report prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons