2022 Assembly


RENATE Mapping Across Europe


Cover for RENATE MappingJust published, the RENATE Mapping Across Europe Report provides rich insights into the contribution being made by women religious, their congregations and associates in the world-wide efforts to bring an end to Human Trafficking.
Set within the wider context of the most recent US Department of State’s annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report published in July 2015, the RENATE Mapping Across Europe Report illustrates the diverse actions undertaken by RENATE members in 13 countries from East, Central and Western Europe. These actions range from victim protection through shelters, to education-awareness, informing policy, recovery and integration, advocacy as well as campaigning.
In addition to assessing existing systems of victim identification and support within the 13 participating countries, attention is drawn to possible loopholes within such systems, as well as risks of abuse and exploitation.
Attentive to the pain of the victims of human trafficking, the Report proposes conclusions and recommendations which when implemented, have the power to transform the lives of those who are the victims of this crime against humanity.
RENATE Mapping Across Europe
Introduction by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Raising Awareness about HT at the National Catholic Youth Days in Romania


National Catholic Youth Days in Cluj-Napoca
National Catholic Youth Days in Cluj-Napoca, June 2015

Blessed are we when our hearts are pure and free!
We will see the Lord, living Redeemer of our life!
Walking with Him, disciples of His Love and Cross,
we search for Life in holiness.

This was the refrain which 2.000 young catholics and I sang every day between the 22nd – 26th of June at the National Catholic Youth Days in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
We enjoyed a double celebration because this year Cluj was chosen to be the European Youth Capital 2015.
Fr. Daniel Ange, the Founder of Jeunesse-Lumière Evangelisation School in France, the main speaker at the event, spoke to us about Gender Theory, the importance of chastity and real friendships.
At the invitation of the organizers, we as SOLWODI Romania presented a series of workshops on Trafficking in Human Beings. Participants at the workshops had several questions and showed a lot of interest on safe migration, “loverboy” method, video-chat exploitation, labour exploitation and the trafficking of organs, especially for kidneys and ovaries.
Workshop on Human Trafficking by SOLWODI Romania
Workshop on Human Trafficking by SOLWODI Romania

It was a wonderful occasion, filled with a lot of enthusiasm, joy, happiness and new friendships.
Singing at the National Catholic Youth Days in Cluj-Napoca
Singing at the National Catholic Youth Days in Cluj-Napoca

At the end of the meeting we all exclaimed the final greeting:
Composed by Sr. Adina Balan, CJ

Light Dispelling the Darkness of Human Trafficking


The First International Day of Prayer & Awareness against Trafficking,

8th February 2015

Individuals, friends, families and communities were united in prayer on the 8th of February, in response to Pope Francis’ invitation to the world, to honour the first international Day of Awareness and Prayer against Trafficking, on the feast of Saint Josephine Bakhita.
Here are samples of events that took place, throughout the RENATE Network.
In Albania, Bishop Frendo, OP presided over a very special Liturgy which was prepared in honour of St. Bakhita. The theme of ‘’Light Dispelling the Darkness of Trafficking’’ communicated a very hopeful message to all who attended. Prayer cards were distributed and people joined in prayer together. After the ceremony, there were conversations about how to be more proactive in working against human trafficking.
Press releases with resources have been circulated in countries worldwide, by numerous organisations working to combat human trafficking.
These resources, inter-faith prayer services, prayers, songs and intercessions are readily accessible to all who wish to avail of them, on the public domain of the RENATE website: Resources in Various Languages.
In the UK, members of RENATE marked the day by submitting writing on the life and story of Saint Bakhita that featured in parish newsletters. Prayer cards for the victims of human trafficking were distributed at Churches. Silent vigils were observed and prayer groups convened.
Morning Mass, broadcast from Brentwood Cathedral gave special mention to the day in which Fr. Martin Boland gave his homily on Bakhita’s life: Sunday Worship in Brentwood Cathedral, 8th February 2015 (the text  is available on screen, beneath the recording).
Caritas Slovakia organised a prayer service on the occasion of the First International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.This prayer service took place at the Jesuit Church in Bratislava on Sunday, 8th February 2015.
Caritas Slovakia has been helping the victims of human trafficking for seven years and took this opportunity to join the world in prayer for more than 21 million women, men and children who suffer from modern slavery.
The prayer service, broadcast live on the national radio, was accompanied by the songs of Taize, performed by the professional church choir Chorus Salvatoris. Initial introductory words and opening prayers were followed by Psalms and stories of trafficked Slovak victims. Candles of hope were placed on each continent of the world map symbolizing the global extent of human trafficking. Then intercession prayers were read for particular and all victims, but also for traffickers, pimps, government and church representatives as well as for all of us to be able to face the globalisation of indifference with globalisation of solidarity. All participants then lit candles for freedom and dignity. Images of St. Josephine Bakhita printed on a prayer card, were distributed to all participants.
Together with the Dutch Conference of Religious, the SRTV in the Netherlands, devised inter-faith prayer services, comprising prayers, hymns and intercessions to share with the churches and congregations throughout the Netherlands and also Belgium. The national broadcasting station also featured these services, in the Netherlands.
In Romania, the opportunity was taken on the 1st of February, at the official opening day for the Year of Consecrated Life, to share fliers, prayer cards and information in preparation for the First International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking, with representatives from all the religious orders present at the official opening. These were then distributed at the parish Masses or prayer services  dedicated to the victims of human trafficking in and from Romania.
The award winning Ten Ten Theatre Company in London, premièred a specially commissioned film of the Saint Bakhita story and human trafficking, which was screened in London on her feast day, 8th February. The twenty-six minute documentary film follows a group of nineteen year old students from Sacred Heart School in Hammersmith, West London, who are on a quest to understand the issue of modern slavery and what they can do to stop it. A two minute preview of the film is available on the Ten Ten Theatre website: Bakhita’s Prayer.
The Ten Ten Theatre Company have worked with The Medaille Trust as well as TRAC UK for the past eighteen months, in the making of this documentary film. Previously, the theatre group produced a one-woman play on human trafficking entitled, This is my Body, written by Martin O’Brien, founding member of the Company.
The Fundación Amaranta in Majorca, Spain, recorded the testimonies of the women they are supporting to recover from trafficking. Through their testimony, their voices will be heard and no-one can turn a deaf ear to their stories.
There are many, many more special events which have taken place and we will feature according as people share their news.

Enjoy the photo gallery shared with RENATE!

phot0 gallery world day of prayer

Anne Kelleher
RENATE Communications Person

Report from RENATE Training in Romania 2nd – 7th November 2014


A week-long training programme on Labour Trafficking & Migration took place in Romania from 2nd to 7th November 2014, funded by the RENATE sponsors.
This was part of RENATE’s ongoing commitment to research, skills and information-sharing throughout the Network, in support of its vision to work to end Human Trafficking and exploitation.
Forty members of RENATE – religious and their co-workers – gathered at the Carmelite Monastery Conference and Retreat Centre, Snagov, near Bucharest to learn about the issue as well as to reflect and strengthen the bonds that support the Network.
Sr. Imelda Poole, President of RENATE presented an image of the Nautilus during her introductory remarks, as a comparable example of how RENATE continues to evolve. Just as the Nautilus continues to grow by means of growing a new shell on the back of previous shells, so too does RENATE develop. Deepening, evolving and building upon the foundations and previous work of others.
A comprehensive programme was prepared, covering the following;

  1. Migration & Forced Labour across Europe.
  2. Labour Exploitation/ Trafficking for Forced labour.
  3. Profile of Victims of Trafficking; E.U. Estimated Figures and Statistics.
  4. Identification of Victims of Trafficking- Formal & Informal; Pro-active Identification.
  5. Trans-national Mechanisms of Identification & Referral; Exchange of Sensitive Information.
  6. Social Inclusion & Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking; Personalised Care Intervention.
  7. Victims of Trafficking / Witness co-ordination programme.
  8. Multi-disciplinary and Multi-agency Co-operation.
  9. Prevention Initiatives.
  10. Trafficking for Forced Labour with a Focus on Identification, Referral, Protection & Assistance provided to Victims of Trafficking; Co-operation.
  11. Meeting with Victims of Trafficking at the Reaching Out shelter.

In addition to training in the above areas, stimulating learning took place at the hour-long ‘Market Place’ meetings each evening. Each ‘Market station’ provided opportunities for members to share resources, skills and knowledge of work at local level with each other. This time meant that best practices were shared in work done to combat human trafficking and care for victims.

The specific presentations provided by the trainers, are accessible on the members area of the RENATE website, with the substance of the training and interactions forming the body of the Report.
Mass was celebrated at the start of each day. The Liturgy was prepared by Sr. Gabriela Korn.
Daily Theological Reflections, available on the Members’ area of the RENATE website, were led by Sr. Juliet Ory.
For the Reaching Out Shelter, the members travelled to meet with Mrs. Jana Matei, Director of the programme. Along with a ‘cultural’ tour of Bucharest, this was one of the special highlights of the training programme. Members met Mrs. Jana Matei and young women victims of trafficking who are being re-habilitated at the ‘shelter.’  Mrs. Matei’s commitment and care for these young women is striking. Clearly, her positive encouragement and support of them has empowering impact as they are gradually finding their confidence and recovering their self-esteem.

Each working day commenced with Theological Reflections, prepared by Sr. Juliet Ory. This focus for the work of RENATE followed the methodology of ‘The Pastoral Cycle.’ Through these reflections, members were invited to “… bring a faith perspective to the realities we look at in order to work for social justice.” (Rev. Fr. James Hug, SJ) Members reflected on the perennial questions “What are we doing?” and “What more can we do for systemic justice for victims of human trafficking?”
Specific presentations, provided by the trainers, are accessible on the Members’ area of the RENATE website, a general overview follows.
Read more here:
Report on RENATE Training in Romania_1st December 2014_website



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons