2022 Assembly


Ending Human Trafficking by 2030: The Role of Global Partnerships


UN Headquarters, New York, 7th April, 2016
At the invitation of the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, Sister Imelda Poole, IBVM, President of RENATE, was amongst a distinguished panel of speakers, invited to present at the Conference entitled Ending Human Trafficking by 2030: The Role of Global Partnerships in Eradicating Modern Slavery. The Conference co-organised by the Santa Marta Group, named after Pope Francis’ Vatican residence and founded in 2014, aims to strengthen and coordinate the global response to combatting human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery and to galvanise the coordination necessary to implement Targets 5.2, 8.7 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Imelda outlined the extent of the work of RENATE and the many Woman Religious with their co-workers, working across 24 European countries to end the slavery of human trafficking.
For more, please see Imelda Poole, IBVM_UN talk_07.04.2016

Report from the World Conference of Women’s Shelters in the Netherlands


At the request of the Global Network of Women’s Shelters (GNWS), the Foundation of Women’s Shelters in the Netherlands and its partners organised from 3-6 November 2015 in Conference Center World Forum in The Hague, the 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters.
I was privileged to attend such an event where women and men, all around the world came to share their experiences and ideas with the ultimate objective of achieving an international approach to the prevention of violence against women and children. In total around a thousand people from over a hundred countries took part in the conference in The Hague.
The event was even more interesting and attractive by the presence of Her Majesty Queen Máxima. On the morning of November 4, 2015, Her Majesty Queen Maxima of the Netherlands held a keynote speech under the theme, Economic Independence of Women Survivors focused on the economic independence for women who face domestic violence which is the basis for building a new and independent life.
After the plenary session, Queen Máxima attended part of the ‘Effective social and economic reintegration of women survivors’ workshop.
Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark also attended the conference on Thursday, the 5th of November. The crown princess gave a keynote speech during the plenary session entitled, Continents: What is Going On? Strengthening Global and Regional Networks.  Through The Mary Foundation she works to help women and children who are victims of violence.

3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters, Hague, November 2015
3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters, Hague, November 2015

Read more here: Connect & Act_report from the 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters, November 2015

Sr. Adina Balan, CJ

International Day of Prayer & Awareness Against Human Trafficking


Samples of events from amongst the RENATE Network for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, can be found here: RENATE_Saint Bakhita’s Day 2016_compilation_ENG

Albania_2016 St. Bakhita Day 2016_URAT leaflet_ENG
Hungary_2016 Invitation to the Service in Budapest_HU_ENG
Hungary_2016 Ima Február 8_prayer_HU
Malta_St. Bakhita 2016_presentation_MT
Poland_2016 Apel na MDMiR na temat Walki z Handlem Ludźmi_PL
Poland_2016 International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking_ENG
Poland_Zaproszenie na film 7.02.2016_invitation_PL
Slovakia_St. Bakhita 2016_CARITAS_plagat_SK
UK_2016 St. Bakhita Day_TRAC Awareness Raising Card_ENG
Other useful links & information:
Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) – various materials in Italian
A Light Against Human Trafficking
Talitha Kum_UISG_A Light Against Trafficking_programme outline_ENG
Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking 2016 Final_ENG

Poland_Noc Miłosierdzia 8.02.2016_plakat_PL
Poland_Noc Miłosierdzia 8.02.2016_plakat_PL

Malta_St. Bakhita 2016_flier_MT
Malta_St. Bakhita 2016_flier_MT

Calendar of daily prayers to end Human Trafficking_St. Bakhita_ENG
Calendar of daily prayers to end Human Trafficking_St. Bakhita_ENG


The 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters, 3rd-6th November, 2015


Conference Centre World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Advocates for women’s shelters, health care workers, women social workers and NGOs are amongst the participants from more than 95 countries currently attending the World Forum Conference. RENATE member Adina Balan, CJ will present on the RENATE Network at the Conference.
The Conference is an initiative arising from the Global Network of Women’s Shelters (GNWS), the Dutch Foundation of Women’s Shelters and its partners. The aim is with a view to connecting and acting together in order to end violence against women.
The following themes are being addressed each day:

  • The economic independence of women survivors
  • Sustainable financing and advocacy
  • Transboundary Violence against women: International exchange and cooperation
  • Continents: What is going on? Strengthening Global and regional networks
  • Innovative approaches to eliminating violence against women and supporting survivors
  • “Time to Act!”

The week has been action-packed so far, with pre-conferences by the Asian network and WAVE (European Network), side-workshops, plenary sessions, roundtables, creative performances, poster sessions as well as lounge greetings which assist the sharing of information and networking.
Her Majesty, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark presented keynote addresses, followed by key speakers from both national and international governmental departments.
Throughout the week, delegates hear presentations from the UN, WHO, UAF and the Council of Europe, and most importantly, the voices of survivors who share their stories.
Global Companies such as Facebook, Google, Rabobank are playing an active role in the Conference. Present as keynote speakers and panellists are:  the Head of Global Safety at Facebook, Google representative on Public Policy Strategy and the Director of Human Resources at Rabobank.
Ashley Judd, actress, activist and author, will share her personal studies and discuss how they reflect the themes of the conference on the closing day. Judd has been engaging in global feminist social justice work since 2002, and has visited slums, brothels and schools in Madagascar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Thailand, Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Rwanda and South Africa to meet with survivors.
“Violence against girls and women has grave consequences for the survivor. There is also a cascade effect into her neighbourhood, her town, and her country,” Judd says. “If we can provide safe places to care for and support survivors of gender-based violence, we offer them a crucial portal to dignity, while creating healthier outcomes for entire populations.”
You can follow the Conference on YouTube:
Full Conference information is available at
Adapted and prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Reflection on Events in Croatia Organised on the 18th of October 2015


18th October 2015, European Anti-Human Trafficking Day
On the occasion of the European Anti-Human Trafficking Day, our informal Anti-Human Trafficking Network, established during the implementation of the project Raising Awareness of Religious Communities in Croatia of the Issue of Human Trafficking (especially Women)”, participated in a one-day conference in Slovenia. In addition to the one-day Conference, Prayer initiatives and activities were organised in Zagreb.

Figure 1. Sr. Ljubica, Sr. Stanka, Anita and Ana in Slovenia
Figure 1. Sr. Ljubica, Sr. Stanka, Anita and Ana in Slovenia

Four women members of the Network participated in the second day of a Conference focused on the issues of modern slavery and  law enforcement, organised by the Medaille Trust, a UK Charity, from the 12th to the 16th of October, 2015.
At the Conference, opportunities to hear about the difficulties faced by institutions and organisations involved in this issue were heard, as well as efforts and successes achieved. Sr. Stanka had the opportunity to speak about the situation in Croatia and to present her Project and Network. She reports “My colleagues and I were surprised and inspired by the positive atmosphere at the Conference, in spite of it being a difficult topic and subject matter.”
Figure 2. Ana, Sr. Stanka, Jitka and Young People from Croatian Red Cross at the Flower Square in Zagreb
Figure 2. Ana, Sr. Stanka, Jitka and Young People from Croatian Red Cross at the Flower Square in Zagreb

“On Saturday 17th October 2015, at the Flower Square in the Centre of Zagreb, Ms. Ana Sekelj and I from the Network, together with representatives from the Office for Human Rights and National Minorities of the Croatian Government, the Ministry of the Interior, a network of non-governmental organizations PETRA, Croatian Red Cross and the City Red Cross Society, presented our work, commitment, initiatives, brochures and symbolic items. Through this joint display, we informed the citizens of Zagreb on the issue of human trafficking. You can see and hear all about it by logging on to the National Croatian Radio and Television.” [34:00 – 36:15]
Figure 3. St. Blaise Parish in Zagreb
Figure 3. St. Blaise Parish in Zagreb

Sr. Stanka says “On Sunday 18th October 2015, in the convent of my Congregation, the Sisters of Notre Dame, we had a Prayer Service at noon for all the victims of modern slavery.
In the evening, in the Parish of St. Blaise, from 19:30-22:00, together with the pro-life prayer movement “Consolers of Merciful Jesus”, we organized a prayer vigil and adoration for all victims of modern slavery, for the unborn children and for every human life. The text of the prayer vigil will be broadcasted on radio station Radio Maria, at 20:00 on the first Friday in the November (6th November), so believers throughout Croatia can join in this prayer initiative. We believe that prayer-support is the strongest and most powerful mean of combating trafficking in human beings. We also believe that God is the only one who first hears the cry of all the victims and who helps all institutions and individuals who are committed to heal the deepest wounds in humanity.”
Sr. Stanka Oršolić
Article edited by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Let’s Open our Ears to their Cries and Respond, Stop Human Trafficking


The Holy Father’s Universal Prayer Intention for October is “that Human Trafficking, the modern form of slavery, may be eradicated”. With Pope Francis’ intention to guide us, the RENATE campaign of activities and events to mark the 18th of October, is presented in the following overview: 18th October 2015_stories and actions from RENATE Network
You will see from the wide variety of activities throughout the RENATE Network that there are actions to suit every capacity. Join us in our endeavours to stop Human Trafficking.
Each and every effort, will make a big difference to those in need.
Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Report on a Work Trip from Bratislava to Uzhgorod and Lviv in the Ukraine


Sr Bohdana Bezáková travelled to Lviv, for a meeting with Sr Valentyna Ryabushko, secretary to the Conference of Female Religious Superiors of the Greek Catholic Church in the Ukraine, 22 September, 2015. In total, her journey took 8 hours!
In Lviv, Bohdana gave a presentation on human trafficking to the members of the male and female religious institutes of the Greek Catholic Church. She also provided information on the RENATE network and the various initiatives undertaken in the areas of prevention and supports to victims of human trafficking.

Meeting with Church representatives in the Ukraine, 22-26 September 2015
Meeting with Church representatives in the Ukraine,         22nd-26th September 2015

Of particular importance was the time spent in conversation regarding the possibilities of a delegate becoming a member of RENATE from the Conference of Female Religious Superiors (KVPŽR) and Conference of Religious Superiors (KVRP) of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine, Bohdana also had the opportunity to meet with a psychologist, Oleksandra Yakymets, who provides courses aimed at trauma therapy in Ukraine, particularly provided to victims of trafficking who have returned to Ukraine and join the reintegration programme.
For her it was particularly valuable to spend time in meetings and negotiations with the Secretary of KVRP of the Greek Catholic Church which involved planning specific steps to implement prevention and awareness-raising activities in collaboration with RENATE and Caritas Slovakia. Bohdana also enjoyed meeting with activists in the parish and volunteers working in the children’s home who are implementing prevention programmes at school dormitories and children´s homes in Ukraine.
Sr Valentyna Ryabushko, RSM and Sr Bohdana Bezáková, CJ
          Sr Valentyna Ryabushko, RSM           and Sr Bohdana Bezáková, CJ

Click here to read more about the outcomes following the visit and meeting in Ukraine: Report on a Work Trip from Bratislava to Uzhgorod and Lviv in the Ukraine

Compiled by Bohdana Bezáková, CJ
Adapted and prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons