2022 Assembly


Prevention against Trafficking, Good Practice in Slovakia


The Presentation Sisters opened a Centre in 2004 which includes a Pre-school. This clip shows Sr. Anne collecting children from the outlying Roma settlements 3km from the town and providing transport for them to attend the Pre-school. This is done because the Municipality of the town of Spišské Podhradie is not willing to provide transport.
Link to the video: Na 5 minút s nami: Iná škôlka

Stop Human Trafficking Project on LUX Television in Slovakia


On Wednesday, 4th June 2014 two workers of Caritas Slovakia who are also members of RENATE Network, gave a comprehensive interview about human trafficking on LUX Television, Slovak Catholic TV Channel. Anna Bartošová and Sr. Bohdana Bezáková CJ explained potential risks connected with very attractive job offers from abroad and informed what precautions to take to avoid the danger of human trafficking.
Click here to watch this interview in Slovak: Obete obchodovania s l’ud’mi



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons