2022 Assembly


Gift Box Awareness Campaign Exhibits at JobExpo 2015 in Slovakia


JobExpo 2015 Nitra in Slovakia_1The fifth annual Slovakian JobExpo took place on the 29th & 30th of April 2015, at the Agrokomplex in Nitra. Around 140 exhibitors presented at the jobs fair and offered work to visitors.
This is the second year that the Slovak Catholic Charity participated and used the Expo as an awareness-raising opportunity using its Gift Box Campaign – People are not for sale.
Since exploitation and forced labour are some of the aspects of human trafficking, the job fair is a good opportunity to draw the attention of visitors to this dangerous phenomenon, in the belief that awareness raising is critically important as a preventative measure.JobExpo 2015 Nitra in Slovakia
The Fair was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Interior, who provide lectures for the general public, on the issue of trafficking as well as informative lectures for high school students.

Beware of offers of well paid jobs in other countries


Beware of offers of well-paid jobs in other countries.
There is a good chance the job may well turn you into a trafficking victim.
Very often a person you trust will introduce you to the traffickers. This could be a relative, a family friend, or someone you know from school or college.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons