2022 Assembly


President of RENATE, Interview with Global Sisters Report for February, 8th


Imelda Poole, IBVM, President of RENATE is featured in this week’s edition of The Global Sister’s Report, a Project of National Catholic Report in the United States of America.
Interviewed by Sarah Mac Donald, a freelance journalist based in Dublin, Ireland, Imelda talks about her work in Albania and the work of the wider network RENATE, during this week which started with the 8th of February, the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.
Full text available here: Imelda Poole IBVM_Interview with GSR for St. Bakhita Day 2016
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

International Day of Prayer against Trafficking, 8th February 2015


Pope Frances has strongly denounced many times the trafficking of human beings, defining it as «a crime against humanity» and calling on all to fight and looking after the victims. Responding to the Holy Father’s plea

Pontifical Council of Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

International Union of Superiors General (UISG and USG)

Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

promote an



The First International Day will be celebrated in all dioceses and parishes in the world, in the groups and schools . 8 FEBRUARY 2015, the Feast Day of Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave, freed, who became a Canossian nun, and was declared a Saint in 2000.
Click here to read the official Pamphlet 8-February-2015 prepared by the Global Freedom Network.
Courtesy of RENATE Members we can share the following prayers in various languages.
Albanian: AL_ftesa ne shqip  AL_ftesa ne anglisht  AL_Bakhita bookmark
Croatian: HR_Prayer Card translated to Croatian  HR_SVJETSKI DAN MOLITVE PROTIV TRGOVANJA LJUDIMA
Dutch: NL_Gebedsdag Tegen Mensenhandel – PERSBERICHT  NL_Gebedsdienst Dag tegen Mensenhandel
English: ENG_Compilation 8th February 2015 Introduction to Day of Prayer & St. Bakhita  ENG_Celebration Saint Bakhita  ENG_Prayer Card in English  ENG_cj_Prayer Suggestions for the Anti Trafficking Day 8th of February  UK_TRAC 8th February 2015 Feast of St Josephine Bakhita for Europe  US_Prayer service INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER

French: FR_International Day of Prayer translated to French

German: AT_Gebet um ein Ende des Menschenhandels  AT_Gottesdienstvorlage  AT_Presseerklärung  DE_Die Heilige Bakhita
Hungarian: HU_meghívó_febr-8
Italian: IT_Celebrazione Santa Bakhita  IT_pieghevole_italiano  IT_preghiera_italiano  IT_veglia di preghiera

Polish: PL_czytanka  PL_droga krzyżowa  PL_modlitwa o wstawiennictwo  PL_modlitwa wiernych  PL_modlitwy na noc czuwania  PL_czuwanie modlitewne  PL_modlitwa na 8 lutego 2015

Romanian: RO_Bakhita  RO_rugaciunea credinciosilor 8 februarie
Slovak: SK_ikona  SK_plagat  SK_TS_Den motlitieb obete OSL- SKCH  SK_UCASTNIK_Den modlitby 8.2.2015
Slovenian: SI_Molitev proti trgovini z ljudmi  SI_Molitev proti TZL – RV
Spanish: ES_cj_Prayer Time on the 8th of February translated to Spanish



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons