2022 Assembly


Modern Slavery Garden wins Gold at the Chelsea Flower Show, May 2016


Awarded gold, Juliet Sargeant’s Modern Slavery Garden highlighted the chilling fact that, two centuries after the passing of the Slavery Act, there are still 27 million slaves worldwide.
At the heart of the Modern Slavery Garden is an oak tree, similar to the one (still alive in Sussex, UK) under which William Wilberforce stood when he dedicated his life to ending slavery, symbolising hope. A series of front doors such as you see on every street led to a path of freedom planted with a riot of colour, to uplift and give hope.
You can see and hear Juliet Sargeant speak about the garden at:
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Pastoral Care of Women & Girls Working or Living on the Streets at CSW in NYC


Amongst the CSW 60 events at the UN (13th – 24th March, 2016), Lynda Dearlove, RSM, (RENATE member) presented at the CSW 60 this past week (21st March) and it has been televised on UN WebTv, as follows:
CSW 16 UN NYC Lynda Dearlove presents on The Care of Women and Girls on the Street
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

International Women's Day 2016


The 8th of March, 2016, marks International Women’s Day, when we honour the immeasurable contributions women make to humankind. This year’s theme “Pledge for Parity” reflects the need for the continued pursuit of gender parity.
International Women's Day logo
Log on to for a global perspective on this international day.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

World Day of Social Justice, 2016


“A Just Transition-Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies”
‘Time to share the wealth’; ‘New Economics’; ’Promoting environmentally sustainable economies and societies’; ’Bring people in from the margins’. These are just some of the statements that have been shared across the globe in recent days in honour of the World Day for Social Justice, 20th of February, 2016. International bodies such as the UN and the ILO (International Labour Office), Trade Unions and campaign groups took the opportunity to renew their calls for Social Justice to be prioritised by all governments and for a more equitable distribution of the world’s wealth, power and resources.
Increased armed conflicts around the globe and ensuing displacement of peoples, rising unemployment and growing levels of poverty continue to drive vulnerable women, men and children into the path of people smugglers and human traffickers as they try to pursue a better life for themselves and their families, usually in countries where they think the benefits of economic growth are available to all.
A new film The Divide (, which will premier in the UK in April, explores why and how the gap between the richest 1% in the world, continues to widen and what might possibly be done in order to end this trend. The film tells the story of seven individuals searching for a better life in modern day US and UK.
“The Divide creates a lyrical, psychological and tragi-comic picture of how economic division creates social division. It serves as both a call to arms, and a powerful waning. The film is inspired by the critically acclaimed, bestselling book, The Spirit Level, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett.” (The Spirit Level documentary)
Social Justice is an issue at the heart of RENATE’s ministry, in reaching out to the victims of human trafficking and exploitation, across Europe.
For more information, please see the “Social Justice in the EU Index Report 2015” at Bertelsmann.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking, Resources for Worship and Action


Dear Readers, please find the attached Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking 2016, which has been compiled by the American organisation “The Washington Inter-Religious Staff Community Working Group on Human Trafficking”. Comprising prayers, reflections, personal stories and an index of references to films, short videos and government publications, the Toolkit is intended to be an instrument for communities of all faiths and none, as they inform themselves and others about human trafficking and how to take action. There is a specific emphasis on the impact of human trafficking on children, in recognition of their vulnerability.
In light of the forthcoming International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking on the 8th of February next, we believe you will find this Toolkit as a very valuable resource: Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking 2016 Final
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

World Day of Peace, 1st January 2016


In his New Year address on the 1st of January, Pope Francis invites us to overcome indifference and make every effort to win peace in 2016. He encourages us to actively engage in the pursuit of justice and peace and to adopt an attitude of mutual responsibility so as to act in solidarity with our brothers and sisters.
While acknowledging that indifference is nothing new, Pope Francis calls each of us in this Year of Mercy, to “…make compassion, love, mercy and solidarity a true way of life, a rule of conduct in our relationships with one another” (5 (21)).
For full text, please see:
Pope Francis chooses 2016 World Peace Day theme
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons