2022 Assembly


RENATE members to co-present Human Trafficking information seminar at the World Meeting of Families, 21-26 August, 2018.


RENATE members who are also members of MECPATHS Ireland (Mercy Efforts to Counter Prostitution and Trafficking in Hospitality Sector) and APT Ireland (Act to prevent Trafficking),  have secured a 90 minute time-period in which they will co-present information about Human Trafficking.
The work shop entitled ‘’An open wound on the body of contemporary society,’’ (Pope Francis), will take a look at how Human Trafficking pervades contemporary society and the global and family responses towards healing.
Mr. Kevin Hyland, OBE, outgoing UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner will be the keynote speaker and afterwards will share the panel of guest speakers comprising Mia de Faoite, a survivor; Sr. Mary Ryan, rsm, (APT, MECPATHS and RENATE); Sr. Mairin McDonagh, rjm, (APT and RENATE) and JP O’ Sullivan (MECPATHS).

  • Held every three years, this major international event – WMOF – presents a wonderful opportunity to inform and raise awareness about Human Trafficking and how we can all play our part in bringing an end to this crime against humanity. For more information on the World Meeting of Families and to reserve tickets etc.
  • MECPATHS collaborates with the hospitality sector in Ireland, to raise awareness about child sex-trafficking and to empower hotel management and staff to help prevent this crime. More information at:

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons