2022 Assembly


66th session of the UN Commission on the status of women (CSW66)


Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 15/03/2022
2:00 pm

Categories No Categories

When: March 15th 2022, 15:00 CET

Where:  Click here for Zoom URL

Meeting ID: 820 1066 9756

Passcode: 784558

About the event

RENATE endeavours to abolish all forms of human trafficking and exploitation that violates the human dignity and rights of persons. Throughout its European Network, RENATE adopts a Victim-Centred, Human Rights, Trauma-informed approach in relation to the Law. At this event, it demonstrates the extensive integrated work of its Network in responding to victims of human trafficking across 31 European countries. The work of RENATE ranges from the protection and care of victims in shelters to prevention through education and training. It also includes actions for systemic change through advocacy and campaigning and the empowerment of victims in the process of prosecution.


RENATE members are supported in empowering women and girls to speak and act for justice and equality, especially in relation to the violation of their dignity and human right.

RENATE provides moral, spiritual, educational and financial support to victims of human trafficking in shelters, that will enable them to reintegrate into society and live life to the full.

RENATE provides education and training that empowers victims who are seeking to rehabilitate their lives in order to obtain fulfilment and decent employment.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons