2022 Assembly


Council of Europe round table on action against trafficking in human beings in the digital age


Image courtesy Council of Europe.

RENATE member at the Conference of the INGO’s at the Council of Europe, Marie Hélène Halligon, olcgs, sends us news of collaborative efforts at the Council of Europe, to address the role played by digital age technologies and human trafficking.

On 17 December 2019, the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Division organised a round-table meeting on “Stepping up the Council of Europe action against trafficking in human beings in the digital age”.

The purpose of the round-table was to share information and proposals on how to make better use of existing tools and develop public-private partnerships to prevent and combat human trafficking in the digital age.  Participants discussed key challenges in identifying victims, investigating cases and prosecuting perpetrators of human trafficking offences committed with the use of information and communication technology, human rights challenges linked to the use of technology in tackling trafficking in human beings, and how governments and international organisations can strengthen collaboration with businesses and civil society.

The meeting brought together some 60 participants from Permanent Representations of Council of Europe member States and observer states, law-enforcement officials, business and civil society representatives.

For more specific details, please click on the links below:

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons