2022 Assembly

Contact RENATE in Italy


Where can I go to access help relating to Human Trafficking in Italy?

Unione Superiore Maggiori d’Italia (USMI)
Tel: +39 06 886 298 088

Who is RENATE/ About us:


Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE) was established by a group of Religious representing several different congregations working against human trafficking in Europe.

All people are created in the image of God. We, the Religious of Europe, believe in a world where everyone has a right to human dignity. Human dignity cannot be compromised. Therefore we labour to free the world from trafficking and exploitation.
To respond in the light of Gospel values to the issue of trafficking of women, children and men.
• To develop awareness – raising activities against human trafficking and the growing demand within all levels of society in Europe, using all forms of modern technology and communications;
• Networking and sharing resources, skills and knowledge;
• To research and implement actions against the growing demand for such abuse in the countries of origin and destination.
Membership of RENATE is open to:
• a Religious female/male–working/living in Europe;
• a lay person working with or for Religious in the field of anti-trafficking in Europe;
Friends of RENATE:
• All are welcome to support in different ways: financially, with skills & expertise, prayer etc;
• They may come from all faith traditions or none;
• They will receive updates and newsletters;

We invite others to join us in this, God’s Mission.

Ending Trafficking Begins with US.



Together with Church, State and Civil Society, in conjunction with realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals, RENATE Network is committed to:

• Working tirelessly to rehabilitate victims, free the world of labour exploitation, slavery and forced organ harvesting.
• Addressing the root causes of systemic injustice that creates and sustains this vile trade in human lives.
• Using its network to strengthen communication and co-operation between countries of origin, transit and destination.
• Providing opportunities for the full reintegration of victims which can include protection in a safe home, acquisition of proper documents and training for meaningful work so that victims can regain and be enabled to live life to the full.
• Educating society, particularly youth, to view all forms of human trafficking and exploitation as totally unacceptable.
• Challenging judicial and civil authorities to adopt and enforce legislation that protects victims, provides them with adequate compensation, punishes clients and buyers and seizes the assets of perpetrators.
• Collaborating with the media in efforts to bring a strong voice to the attention of the world denouncing all aspects of human trafficking and exploitation.

Contact Us using the map below

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons