Country Helpline- GREECE
Are you a victim of human trafficking? Do you have information about a potential trafficking situation?Call Greece’s 24/7 Confidential Hotline now – Anonymously!
CALL 1109
Community House Damaris
Community House Damaris is a non-governmental organization with a mission to empower women and their children who have been sexually exploited and trafficked with the opportunity to recovery, restoration, and reintegration.
Damaris was founded in 2015 as a front-line solution to combating the high rates of young women and girls experiencing human trafficking and exploitation in Athens, Greece. Through a series of holistic and individually tailored and trauma informed programs, as well as the operation of two safe houses, Damaris meets the emotional, physical, and educational needs of women, and their children, escaping gender-based violence.
House Damaris’ Program is designed to guide survivors into full rehabilitation and reintegration into society by addressing the following needs – Mental Health – All of the program participants receive a psychiatric assessment, and at the same time, they undergo regular counseling sessions as part of their mental health care.
Addressing Poverty – The courses of the program prepare and train the beneficiaries to join the labor market, while taking into account their interests and inclinations, with the aim of vocational practice and financial independence.
Social Services – The Social Worker has regular personal meetings with the beneficiaries. In these meetings, they work on facilitating their access to public services, obtaining their legal documents, and goal setting for their smooth social integration.
Personal Development – Community House Damaris operates a Learning Center where beneficiaries attend a holistic program of personal recovery, skill acquisition, and social integration to develop their potential and become productive members of society.
Health – Community House Damaris offers access to medical services for the beneficiaries and their children. Training in physical hygiene in the context of achieving physical health, one of the goals of the national Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, is also provided.
For more information please, visit:
The 1109 Resource Line for Human Trafficking, an initiative of A21 in Greece.
1109 is a resource line that anyone can call and be informed on how to get help relating to HT, can receive information on how a rescued victim of HT in Greece can have access to immediate care, and get information about the restoration processes for survivors of HT.
For international tips about situations of human trafficking occurring in Greece, please call us at 0030-2310019880
A21 is an international not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that operates in Greece in a list of active areas, services and projects exclusively against human trafficking.
List of active areas, services and projects:
- Reach: Prevention, Awareness, Events, A-Teams, Campaigns.
- Rescue: Training, Identifiers, The 1109 Hotline, Prosecution.
- Restore: Emergency Shelter, Freedom Center, Transition Program, Community Model, Esa, Safe Repatriation.
The 1109 Human Trafficking Resource Line is available to answer all urgent calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. For informational calls please call within general office hours.
The caller can choose to stay anonymous, in compliance with the 1109 Human Trafficking Resource Line’s Confidentiality Policy. The 1109 Human Trafficking Resource Line strives to abide by the highest ethical standards.
The 1109 HTRL is equipped to handle calls in all languages. The call operators of the 1109 Human Trafficking Resource Line speaks both Greek and English. The 1109 HTRL is also able to connect to a tele-interpreting service with access to over 200 languages, in just a few minutes.
Greece is considered a transit and destination country for Human Trafficking.
A21 offers the following services to Survivors in Greece:
- A21 Residential Program – ( The aims of the A21 Emergency Home is to move people from a state of crisis to stabilization. We aim to equip survivors with the necessary skills needed to live independently and help them make informed decisions about their next steps after leaving the A21 home).
- Short Term Assistance- (Short Term Assistance is designed to provide immediate assistance to male and female Survivors of Human Trafficking).
- Transition Program – (A21 is committed to seeing each individual survivor achieve his or her goals and become independent. A21’s Long Term Case Management is designed to provide ongoing assistance)
- Legal Assistance – (A21 partners with highly skilled lawyers who work with Survivors to address their needs).
- Repatriation & Relocation – (From one state to another, or from one country to another, A21 assists with the facilitation of repatriation for survivors of trafficking who voluntarily wish to return home).
For further clarifications or information needed please visit the or or call the 1109 Hotline ( Calling from abroad? 0020-2310019880).
Additionally, in Greece, they exist the following governmental organizations that are related to HT along with SGBV cases – domestic violence etc.
- Instant Social Assistance Line 197:
The “197” Direct Social Help Line is free of charge for citizens as an emergency 24 hours a day. is targeted at individuals, families and vulnerable population groups who are in a crisis or are in a state of emergency such as 1. Victims of domestic violence, 2. Adults and elderly people who need immediate psychological and social assistance, 3. Victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual and labor exploitation. 4. Victims of natural and other disasters.
- “Violence against woman prevention” from the General Secretariat For Gender Equality, operates 24 hours. This SOS Helpline – 15900is for “Violence against woman prevention” including trafficking.
- Emergency Police Helpline 100 or 112 for international calls. Anyone can report a crisis situation and seek immediate help.
- Anti-trafficking Police Department of Thessaloniki. 0030 2310 388.365, 0030 2310-388363 & 0030 2310-388375.
- Anti-trafficking Police Department of Athens 0030 210-6476826 και 0030 210-6476825.
Βοth of the above anti-trafficking Police Departments are responsible for:
- Combating trafficking in human beings, prosecuting crimes against sexual freedom and, more generally the labour and sexual exploitation, as well as implementing the legislation on the persons dealt with.
- Providing protection and assistance to victims of trafficking of labour and sexual exploitation, in cooperation with the relevant social bodies and agencies.
Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE) was established by a group of Religious representing several different congregations working against human trafficking in Europe.
All people are created in the image of God. We, the Religious of Europe, believe in a world where everyone has a right to human dignity. Human dignity cannot be compromised. Therefore we labour to free the world from trafficking and exploitation.
To respond in the light of Gospel values to the issue of trafficking of women, children and men.
• To develop awareness – raising activities against human trafficking and the growing demand within all levels of society in Europe, using all forms of modern technology and communications;
• Networking and sharing resources, skills and knowledge;
• To research and implement actions against the growing demand for such abuse in the countries of origin and destination.
Membership of RENATE is open to:
• a Religious female/male–working/living in Europe;
• a lay person working with or for Religious in the field of anti-trafficking in Europe;
Friends of RENATE:
• All are welcome to support in different ways: financially, with skills & expertise, prayer etc;
• They may come from all faith traditions or none;
• They will receive updates and newsletters;
We invite others to join us in this, God’s Mission.
Ending Trafficking Begins with US.
Together with Church, State and Civil Society, in conjunction with realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals, RENATE Network is committed to:
• Addressing the root causes of systemic injustice that creates and sustains this vile trade in human lives.
• Using its network to strengthen communication and co-operation between countries of origin, transit and destination.
• Providing opportunities for the full reintegration of victims which can include protection in a safe home, acquisition of proper documents and training for meaningful work so that victims can regain and be enabled to live life to the full.
• Educating society, particularly youth, to view all forms of human trafficking and exploitation as totally unacceptable.
• Challenging judicial and civil authorities to adopt and enforce legislation that protects victims, provides them with adequate compensation, punishes clients and buyers and seizes the assets of perpetrators.
• Collaborating with the media in efforts to bring a strong voice to the attention of the world denouncing all aspects of human trafficking and exploitation.