Anti-Slavery International.
Ancelle dell’Immacolata di Parma.
Ancelles du Sacré Coeur de Jésus(ACJ).
APT Ireland.
Bakhita Network, Poland.
Brigidine Sisters (CSB).
BVM – Byens ValgMenighed; KIT – Church Integration Ministry (Denmark).
Canossian Daughters of Charity, (FDCC).
CARITAS Ukraine.
CARITAS Bakhita House, London, UK.
Carmelite Missionaries (CM).
Catholic Relief Services in Human Trafficking.
CCAHRT(Cambridge Centre for Applied Research).
CAVITP (Religious Network against Human Trafficking in Portugal).
Centre Nadja Foundation in Ruse, Bulgaria.
Community House Damaris, Greece.
Conference of Religious in Spain – CONFER Nacional.
Congregation of Our Lady of the Good Shepherd.
Congregation Jesu (CJ).
Congregation of the Eucharistic Jesus (SJE).
Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, (CSsR).
Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame, (SSND).
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity Mother of Mercy of Tilburg (SCMM).
Consolata Missionary Sisters (MC)
Comboni Missionary Sisters (CMS).
Council of Europe.
Council of Heads of General Superiors of Male Orders in Ukraine.
Dar Merhba Bik, Malta.
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul (DC).
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA).
Daughters of Mary and Joseph.
Different and Equal.
Dominican Sisters of Bethany (OP).
Dominicanas de Santa Catarina de Sena, (OP).
ECPAT International.
EU Civil Society Platform.
Fundacion Amaranta.
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM).
Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood (FMDM).
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.
Franciscan Fathers (OFM).
Free the Girls.
Free the Slaves.
Global Modern Slavery.
Good Shepherd International Justice Peace Office, UK.
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (ACI).
Hermanos Franciscanos de Cruz Blanca, (FCB).
Hope Church Malta.
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM).
Institute of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (EHJ).
La Sainte Union (LSU).
Lithuania National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children.
Manna Foundation, the Netherlands.
Mary Ward Loreto.
MEDACT Refugee Solidarity Group, UK.
Medaille Trust.
Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM).
Mercy International.
“Milosrdie” (Humanitarian organisation Macedonia Orthodox Church);
Missing Persons families Support Centre Lithuania.
Missionary Sisters: Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS).
Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, (MSOLA).
Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles, (OLA).
Missionary Sisters of St. Columban (SSC).
Nano Nagle Centre for Roma Community in Spišské Podhradie, eastern Slovakia.
Not For Sale.
Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer (OSR).
Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, (CO).
PACE UK (Parents against Child Exploitation).
Passionist Sisters (CP).
Picolle Ancelle della Maria Immacolata, (PAMI).
Presentation Sisters (PBVM).
POMOC Association, Poland.
Religious Sisters of Charity (RSC).
Religious Sisters of Mercy (RSM).
Sacred Heart Sisters, (SSCJ).
Salvation Army.
SÁRA TEAM in Hungary (Sisters & Laity against HT).
Save the Children.
Safe Horizon.
SHKEJ, Little Angels Community Centre.
Scientific Educational Centre “Psychologist for Psychologists” in Lviv, Ukraine.
Sisters Adorers (AASC).
Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antida Thouret.
Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus, (FCJ).
Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux, (HFB).
Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross (SCSC).
Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo, (SCB).
Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul, (SMsVP).
Sisters of Mary Immaculate (SMI).
Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, (SHJM).
Sisters of Social Service (SSS).
Sisters of St. Mary of Namur(SSMN).
Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy (SSJA).
Sisterworks (The Netherlands).
Society of Helpers, (SA).
Soeurs Missionnaires de l’Evangile, (SME).
South Balkan OSCE Group against Human Trafficking.
Sorores Divini Salvatoris, (SDS).
Suore Francescane dei Poveri, (SFP).
Suore Ospedaliere della Misericordia, (SOM).
St Michael’s Philanthropy Ltd, UK.
St. Patrick’s Missionary Society (Kiltegan Fathers, Ireland).
Sorores Divini Salvatoris, (SDS).
STOP the Traffick.
Stop Human Trafficking Project of Caritas Slovakia.
Talitha Kum.
Ursuline Sisters, (OSU).
URAT Albania.
Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice, (VPSJ).
Walnut House Fund in Lviv, Ukraine.
Warsaw Streetwork Mission Margaret.
Women at the Well.
Werk der Frohbotschaft Batschuns /Institute of the Gospel.
Renate Networks