Traditional west African ‘healers’ and Sicilian psychiatrists are struggling to help free Nigerian women forced into prostitution.
Figure 1 Photograph: Francesco Bellina/Censura.
Prophetess Odasani says she drives out the spirits afflicting women who come to her backstreet ‘church’ in Palermo.
In an article which featured in The Guardian newspaper on Sunday, 3 September 2017, we learned about the juju curse binding women and girls from Nigeria into modern slavery. They are then trafficked to Europe and the UK, where according to the authors Lorenzo Tondo and Annie Kelly, ‘’The abuse of religious and cultural belief systems in Nigeria has proved a deadly and effective control mechanism for traffickers involved in the recruitment of women destined for the sex trade in Europe.’’
Full article below: The juju curse that binds trafficked Nigerian women into sex slavery.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.
The juju curse that binds trafficked Nigerian women into sex slavery.